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Mozart - Allegro Molto  モーツァルト アレグロ・モルト

87 bars of a short piece by Wofgang Amadeus Mozart. It is said that he composed it when he was 11 years old in 1767.

Dutch premiere by Kaoru on the 5th July in 2012. At Geelvinck Hinlopen Huis, Amsterdam.

On squarepiano dated 1787,  Buntebart & Sievers from London

Fortepianiste Kaoru Iwamura speelt het stuk 'Allegro molto' van 87 maten in sonate vorm in de Blauwe Kamer van het Geelvinck Hinlopen Huis op een tafelpiano uit 1787, gebouwd door Buntebart & Sievers uit Londen.


from MENDELSSOHN pianotrio in d

De Sweelinck Collectie historische toetseninstrumenten (o.a. ruim 40 tafelpiano's) is in de tweede helft van de 20e eeuw opgezet door Rien Hasselaar. Destijds nam belangstelling voor de authentieke muziekuitvoering van 18e en 19e eeuwse muziek toe, mede als gevolg van de hang naar grotere authenticiteit en terugkeer naar de oorsprong, die sedert de jaren '60 de maatschappij in beweging bracht.

Beethoven Turkisch Marsch ベートーヴェン 変奏曲ニ長調 「トルコ行進曲」

BEETHOVEN - Six Variations on in D major, Op.76 ("Turkisch Marsch" )
fortepiano with janissary pedals

Piano played by Kaoru Iwamura

Kaoru plays Lyra piano - Johann Christian Schleip from Berlin ca.1830

リラ型ピアノの説明 J.C. Schleip ca. 1830 (日本語動画)(Lyrapiano explanation in Japanese)

Fortepianist Kaoru Iwamura plays on the Lyrapiano during the restoration proces. The piano is part of the Sweelinck Collection, a unique collection of fortepianos in Amsterdam. The restoration is an initiative of the Geelvinck Hinloopen Museum.





Calliope Tsoupaki 'Thin Air' Festivals for Compassion 

during Erato Festival (2021) in the Netherlands

fortepiano - replika Stein model

カリオペ・ツパキ 「薄い空気」

コロナ禍への思いを音楽のリレーで伝え合い、慈悲の結びを強めていこう、というフェスティバルが立ち上げられました。カリオペ・ツパキさんが委託されたThin Air を自分の楽器、フォルテピアノで再現してみたいと思い、エラートフェスティバル参加の際に演奏させていただきました。Festival for Compassion は現在はウクライナをサポートする次のテーマで、新たな作品がリレー進行中です。

Kaoru Iwamura - 260 jaar Mozart

Kaoru Iwamura celebrates 260 years of Mozart by playing his legendary music on the traditional instrument of his time: the fortepiano. An interview with Kaoru.






The 2nd Hong Kong Early Music Festival 2021's Music Video “ Life is a Dream”


Songs and duets of Haydn and Mendelssohn

Soprano: Kitty Lai

Tenor: Edmond Chu

Squarepiano: Kaoru Iwamura 

Director Daan Vree



Jan Ladislav Dussek ' Chansonette'  

- Diaspora as music and pianist -

Corona has caused physical distance between many of us. Between you and your family, friends and even your hometown. There are many people living abroad who miss their home country. Many composers from the 19th centuries were Bohemian. They left their own country and never returned.

I am also a diaspora pianist who lives far from my home country. I would like to take this opportunity to share some beautiful music of these diaspora composers. 

This is a film of 5 minutes livestreamed concerts via Facebook from the beautiful Castle Loenersloot in the Netherlands. Maybe their nostalgia and lonesomeness will touch you as well.

september, 2020




Anton Diabelli - Grande Sonate Brillante in D Minor, Op. 102: III. Allegro 

guitar: Dario Macaluso 
fortepiano: Kaoru Iwamura
From cd 'La Corde Vibrante' ℗ 2013  
Released on: 2013-10-26
Instruments played on this cd:
George Lewis Panormo, London 1859
Joseph Böhm from Vienna c. 1820

アントン・ディアベッリ ギターとフォルテピアノのためのグランド・ソナタ

ニ短調 第3楽章 アレグロ

CD 「ラ・コルデ・ヴィブランテ」 より
ジョージ・レウィス・パノルモ ロンドン 1859年製
ヨーゼフ・ベーム、ウィーン 1820年頃

Miranda Driessen - Nocturne

during Geelvinck Fortepiano Festival (2013)

Written for Makiko Goto, Kaoru Iwamura and a squarepiano. 

Composer Miranda used her inspiration from the form of Haiku for this piece. She created her original musical temperament using for this music. 

ミランダ・ドリーセン 「ノクターン」

琴とフォルテピアノのための 現代曲のデュオ




Written for Kaoru / premiere - Kaoru Iwamura 

Geelvinck Fortepiano Festival (2016)

The composer Jasna spoke about a mythology 'Sisyphean labor' as an inspiration for this song.

ヤスナ・ヴェリコヴィチ 「シーシュポスの歌」


